class: center, middle # LISP Style Macros: Cruise Control for DSL Cool By Sal Becker for the Recurse Center slides @ --- class: middle # What is a Macro? Little programs inside your code that recieve your code as strings, and use lots of complicated regexps to manipulate things. They allow you to create domain specific languages and extend your language. --- class: middle # No! That's Terifying! There is a better way! In LISP, macros are functions that are run before code executes. Macros take advantage of LISP's homoiconic nature in order to give LISP programmers a much safer way of defining DSLs. --- class: middle # Homoiconic? LISPs define their code in terms of their own data structures. This means that you can map, filter, reduce, whatever, on your own code. In LISP, this is a list `(1 2 3 4)`. In LISP, this is code `(+ 1 2 3 4)`. They are the same thing. The only difference, is that in one, a function's first. As a footnote, Clojure doesn't allow you to define lists like above. You must quote your list so Clojure doesn't try to run it as code. `'(1 2 3 4)`. In Clojure `[1 2 3 4]` is a vector. In Clojure you find vectors in your functions, as well `(defn woah [a b c] (+ a b c))`. --- class: middle # Your First Macro ```clojure (defmacro infix [a fun b] (list fun a b)) (infix 1 + 2) ; => 3 (macroexpand-1 '(infix 1 + 2)) ; => (+ 1 2) <- The return value is both a list AND code. ``` --- class: middle # Beware! When learning about macros, it is common to want to use them for EVERYTHING. Avoid this! Only write macros when you absolutely CANNOT write what you want in the current language. Try and write it with functions first! --- class: middle # Case Study I wanted to be able to write this. ```clojure (+state prefab (UpdateHook [this] (sync-agent-velocity! this)) (UpdateHook [this] (sync-steering! this))) ``` --- class: middle # Result Clojure provides you with lots of macro helpers, let's take a look at what they do! ```clojure (defn hook-expand [prefab decl] (let [hook-name (first decl) args (second decl) body (drop 2 decl)] `(let [c# (add-component ~prefab ~hook-name)] (set! (.fn c#) (fn [~@args] ~@body))))) (defmacro +state [prefab & hooks] (let [sym (gensym)] `(let [~sym ~prefab] (when-not (state ~sym) (add-component ~sym ArcadiaState)) ~@(map (fn [hook] (hook-expand sym hook)) hooks)))) (macroexpand-1 '(state+ (the "Canvas") (UpdateHook [this] (log this)))) ; Becomes ; (clojure.core/let [G__2269 (the "Canvas")] ; (clojure.core/when-not (folha.core/state G__2269) ; (arcadia.core/add-component G__2269 ArcadiaState)) ; (clojure.core/let [c__5879__auto__ (arcadia.core/add-component G__2269 UpdateHook)] ; (set! (.fn c__5879__auto__) (clojure.core/fn [fn* [p1__2261#] (log p1__2261#)])))) ``` --- class: middle, center # Fin